A little video that has been sitting on my hard drive for a few months, finally finished!
Last summer I upgraded to an iPhone 4 and wanted to see how good the video would truly be, so I took it along to Nottingham’s Goose Fair on the 10th October with my girlfriend and shot some footage.
Yes, I’m late to this party, but my impression overall is that it’s just damned difficult to get a steady shot, but if you can (and there’s many devices available to assist with this) it actually looks pretty reasonable. The auto-white-balance is really the biggest complaint I had apart from the stability issues, but when it figures itself out the colors are quite vivid and the vast majority of the time focus isn’t bad either.
The footage here is slightly graded, but aside from a couple of shots where I had to fix the white-balance issues, all I did was crush the blacks a bit and pull down the whites.
I cut it on Final Cut Pro, scored it with a song I had jammed a while ago and voila! Of course, many thanks to Madeline for letting me shoot her!